(The lyrics of this song are based on MSN convos with Engrish (www.engrish.com) people. Every single word of this song were copied from the MSN logs) Do you a bitch? then i crap your face okeey so seks on, on wepcum fucuk go, kill delete Allah. And Ay will always levyu Aylevyu You, aylevyu. Aymdoktor help me pleace I seks off my seks on, you mama. cocacola and other things, will kill you and fuck you family and ay will always seks on even if you seks off mather fak, get fuck of her How are you my seks of seks of hello So FUCK OFF AND OPEN CUM PLEACE Kwik before your penis went down (penis 22 centimetrs btw) Allah will always seks you Allah will always fucuk youuu Allah will always seks you on and off pleace okey, numbrfone always seks you. Ay numbrfone always seks you. Numbrfone welle cum into moroco. Seks on pleace, okey wep cum. wep cum pleace okey!